Hoppin’ through day 8

It’s sunny and 30 degrees so Boone and I went for a little hop. He still pulls like he has 4 legs!


Coming home was a little slower, but he made it. I did have our makeshift sling in case he needed a little help, but he didn’t.


Author: jeanetteg

Our sweet & crazy Boone was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in December 2016, and amputation was performed January 24, 2017. Five weeks post-amp a mass in his chest and lung mets were discovered. He left us way too soon on March 14, 2017...tail wagging in the peaceful sunshine of our living room. His big heart and personality is missed.

6 thoughts on “Hoppin’ through day 8”

  1. Boone, you hop like a pro! How wonderful to see that smile and determination on your face. What a beautiful day to get outside, I’m so proud of you! This has been quite the journey, for many weeks even before the surgery. Jeanette, you have done such an amazing job nursing Boone back to good health. Thank you for posting this video. It’s amazing to see him out and about enjoying himself-what a complete turn around. Hooray for you and Boone! 🐶🐾💕

    1. Thanks Gen. He really wanted to go even further so I had to bribe him with Yummy Chummies (thank you, by the way) to turn around and head home. The hop back was a little more stop and start as the second video shows, but he still had enough energy to jump from the sidewalk to the porch, bypassing the stair.

      I think he’s about ready for you to visit 🙂

  2. BOONE!! .ore proof again that you are a ROCK STAR!!!

    WOW! Quite a little walk! That took a lot of effort to do on three legs just 8 days after surgery!! I hope you went straight to your bed and got a good massage!!

    You’re poetry in .otuin sweet boy. A beautiful pup!

    Made my day Boone!! And it even gets soooooo much better!!!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. Thanks for being one of Boone’s biggest cheerleaders Sally! He is getting a massage after his hops and I’m careful not to let him go too long or too far.

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