Trying to smile through the tears

Boone’s condition went from over the top awesome to rock bottom last week. Monday and Tuesday he was his usual demanding, energetic self, but by the weekend we thought it was time to say good-bye. A trip to the 24-hour clinic Sunday morning told us the story we didn’t want to hear this soon.

The cancer spread quickly – there’s a mass pressing down on an airway causing him to cough and there are spots on his lungs.

We brought him home with prednisone which has helped restore his appetite and attitude, but we know without Divine intervention, we’re likely spending our last days and weeks with him.

So we’re getting in as many happy hops as the weather allows, giving Boone whatever treats and toys he wants, and appreciating the time we have left.

Author: jeanetteg

Our sweet & crazy Boone was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in December 2016, and amputation was performed January 24, 2017. Five weeks post-amp a mass in his chest and lung mets were discovered. He left us way too soon on March 14, 2017...tail wagging in the peaceful sunshine of our living room. His big heart and personality is missed.

23 thoughts on “Trying to smile through the tears”

  1. I am so sorry. Make sure you take a few pictures with you in them. I know how hard it is to hear. Been in these shoes. 🙁 Love him and spoil him rotten
    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    1. Thank you, Michelle. I have a friend that took some pics of us together when he was first diagnosed in early December. I think I’ll give her a call and ask if she can do that again soon.

      He’s getting lots of love, hugs and treats.


  2. All the lictures, but that first picture…WOW!! That is a beautiful scared forever treasure!!! Boone belongs in the cover of National Geographic with that beautiful picture! 🙂 He is soooo handsome!

    I know it’s a kick in the gut when you get that type of news. It hits you like a ton of bricks. Then, after a bit, you catch your breath and change your focus ro the NOW!! And in the NOW everything if okey dokey with Boone! The most important thing is Boone has zero interest in what any ole’ xrays show. They mean nothing to him!

    Look at those pictures. Boone is happy. He is loved and he knows it!

    You’re doing an outstanding job of staying in the now with Boone! It’s not easy, but once you get into that centered plzce, that place where all that matters is being connected to Boone and fully present in every moment with him, you will stay there.

    And ua’ know what? Divine intervention happens!! After all, Boone found you! 🙂

    Love and hugs!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. It is amazing how fast things can change with this stupid disease.

  4. I don’t have the words to express my sympathy. I’m so scared for our boy. He’s recovering well from the surgery, but we still have to meet with the medical oncologist. I’m so sorry to hear about Boone. He looks like he’s loved and after all that’s what matters. Take care, enjoy and love him while you have him, and best of luck with one of the most difficult parts of giving your heart to a dog. I’m dreading the day we have to make that call, but reading about others going through the same thing, and seeing that we’re not the alone in this struggle is oddly comforting. (I hope that made sense) Hugs and butt scratches to Boone.

    1. It makes complete sense. I feel the same way. Every dog and cancer situation is unique so please stay hopeful. Sending you positive thoughts and energy for your boy’s healing and recovery.

  5. I’m so very sorry to hear about Boone. He’s such a sweet handsome boy. This whole journey is hard but reaching the end is something that we (I) hope doesn’t ever happen. Hugs to you, your family, and to Boone.

  6. No!!! Why does it keep happening this way? Everything seems perfect and then it strikes so fast and hard. Why can’t it be a gradual decline that we as owners can pick up on and still know there’s time left to spoil our pups?

    I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope he gets a few good weeks. Enjoy every second with him.

    1. I know 😪 It completely caught us by surprise. But we’re enjoying every day with our crazy boy. The prednisone is buying us some time. He was up to his mischievous ways tonight, stealing a tissue out of his dad’s pocket and shredding it. We treasure the bad dog bundle moments.

  7. Boone and family, we are so sad about this. Damn cancer. It sucks that mets can happen so fast and without warning, the heartache is unreal. “Sorry” isn’t enough to show much we feel for you guys.

    We know, however, that YOU, Boone, are still your old self and up to all your silly antics that make your people smile. Look at you in that majestic snow! Romping and loving the winter that’s right there, right now. Even mets can’t take away the essence of who you are and how you make everyone so happy around you. You, my friend, are eternal, and not even cancer can take that away.

    We love you guys. Please know you can turn to us now and always. May Boone have some excellent bad dog moments ahead for a long time.


    1. The overwhelming support and love from the TriPawds community continues to lift us up. Thank you.

      We are enjoying every bad dog moment with Boone. He’s such an amazing spirit and will forever have a special place in our hearts.

      Thank you again 💕😊
      Jeanette & Boone

  8. I don’t know that sorry is even enough right now. I am new to this beautiful Tripawd world, and I went back and read all of you and Boones Blogs. Your story warms my heart as Boone and my Shelby seem to have the same stubborn streak, lol. Today I cry tears for you as I try to work. This is such a sad illness and it is devastating to hear how quickly things have taken a turn for you 🙁

    Boone is a beautiful boy and he looks happy and very well loved <3

    Please know that you and Boone are in Shelby's and our thoughts and hearts while you navigate through this.

    1. Thank you. Boone and I can feel the ❤️ being sent from the Tripawds community 😊.

      He’s an amazing boy – we love everything and every bad habit about him.

      Jeanette & Boone

  9. I would so like to comfort you in any way and yet I can’t think of anything. You know that you will always cherish the memories that come with these pictures and you know how to enjoy the moments with Boone. I’m sure he is happy right now and that, after all, is what matters. In those matters, we come second. -But you know that, too.
    As Jerry said: we are here for you. So lean on us so Boone can lean on you. You are in our thoughts.
    tina & Manni

  10. Thank you sharing Boone’s journey with us. The ups and downs, good and bad, all serve as reminders to treasure each day with our loved ones and fur babies. I know this is not the news you were hoping to hear, and for that I am very sorry. We have been rooting for Boone and were so hoping the mets would not happen so fast. I love Sally’s comment – that Boone does not know what his x-rays revealed. So true! He still has that sparkle in his eye and yes, as other’s have noted, Boone is well loved. Jeanette and Boone’s dad are the best.

    Keeping you all in our thoughts as you continue this journey.

    Love Gen,, Jason and Abby 💕🐾

    1. Thank you so much Gen. 💕 Your friendship and compassion helps get me through these difficult days.

      Jeanette & Boone

  11. Boones day will come someday but it’s not today. So for each of your today’s live and love, make precious memories. Boone is so handsome and your love for him just shines.

    1. Thank you Linda. Boone is a very special boy. We knew that from the day he stole our hearts at our local shelter 💕🐾

      Jeanette & Boone

  12. Hi Jeanette,

    So sorry to hear about Boone’s situation, it is heartbreaking and even more so because it can all happen overnight …

    Our babies are in great form one day and the next cancer takes over …

    We are not there yet but, being on tripawds for almost 10 months now, we know what is more than likely to happen at some point.

    But you are doing exactly what you should sweet Jeanette!

    Carpe Diem, seize the day and make your boy deliriously happy just as you are doing!

    It made me laugh just to picture your boy stealing a tissue bout of dad’s packet and shwredding it, he sure is an amusing boy!

    Keep enjoying your days, we are all here holding hands and paws with you guys and Boone!

    Sending you lots of love and tons of cuddles to “you know who” 🙂

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